Monday, October 03, 2005

GOP = corruption

The following is from the same article as my previous post. It was so good, I had to share it:
Sixty percent of respondents in a recent Democracy Corps poll say the country is moving in the wrong direction. A generic Democrat running for Congress in 2006 beats a generic Republican by 9 percent in polls. Congress's approval is at an all-time low, and so is Bush's: 45 percent of respondents in a recent Democracy Corps poll are "finished with him." More and more Americans will learn about Congressional leaders through the lens of scandal and sleaze, underscoring the impression that Republicans care more about special interests than average Americans. "DeLay's name ID spiked as the scandals grew," says Karl Agne of Democracy Corps. "Now it's up to Democrats to distance themselves from the mess in Washington and articulate what they're going to do differently."

Bush promised during the 2000 presidential campaign to "change the culture of Washington." His Republican majority succeeded -- for the worse.
Let's just hope the Democrats figure out that this is THE issue that will put them back in power... if they can take advantage of it wisely.

1 comment:

Massimo said...

You're right, the Democratic party needs to find a valid message to win the public over, but let's not forget that it's the opposition party, and its main duty in that capacity is to oppose the GOP and Bush.

And let's not forget that Bush stole both his electoral wins from us, so I hope you'll understand the hate ;)