Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Falling Skies

Falling SkiesAfter a very promising start, Falling Skies came back with lots of action for a second season that moved the story along nicely, providing plenty of action and drama.

Our group of fighters/survivors have successfully hit back at the enemy, inflicting casualties and, more importantly, fear.  The aliens, however, still have superior firepower and have no qualms about using it.  Also, they now have Tom Mason.

I have to hand it to the producers and writers of this show for keeping things interesting and original from beginning to end.  All the characters are fully fleshed out and there are no incongruences in the plot development that would cause one to lose focus.

The end of the season brought on the scene a new entity that could be friend of foe, but we’ll have to wait for next summer to find out.  Looking forward to it.

Grade – Season 2: 7

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