Thursday, July 13, 2006

Can she be President?

The Republicans came this close a couple weeks ago to passing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the desecration of the American flag.

With all the problems the country faces and all the problems in the world that affect us every day, they decided that the best use of their time and our money was to try to enshrine a piece of fabric into the Constitution, when a governmental study shows that the flag isn't being desecrated at all, virtually ever.

I'm glad it didn't pass, since it pointed out once again that although the Republicans control all the branches of government they still can't get anything done.

Anyway, Ray showed me this yesterday:
What the American Flag Stands For
by Charlotte Aldebron

The American flag stands for the fact that cloth can be very important. It is against the law to let the flag touch the ground or to leave the flag flying when the weather is bad. The flag has to be treated with respect. You can tell just how important this cloth is because when you compare it to people, it gets much better treatment. Nobody cares if a homeless person touches the ground. A homeless person can lie all over the ground all night long without anyone picking him up, folding him neatly and sheltering him from the rain.

School children have to pledge loyalty to this piece of cloth every morning. No one has to pledge loyalty to justice and equality and human decency. No one has to promise that people will get a fair wage, or enough food to eat, or affordable medicine, or clean water, or air free of harmful chemicals. But we all have to promise to love a rectangle of red, white, and blue cloth.

Betsy Ross would be quite surprised to see how successful her creation has become. But Thomas Jefferson would be disappointed to see how little of the flag's real meaning remains.
And now that you read that, check this out:
Charlotte Aldebron, 12, wrote this essay for a competition in her 6th grade English class.
Twelve years old and she gets it already. Why can't the politicians in Washington?

So young, so wise. Maybe there's still hope for America's future.

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