Monday, January 03, 2011

The Informant!

The Informant!Steven Soderbergh’s latest big screen project is a dark comedy based on the real story of a delusional buffoon who tried to stop unlawful practices at his company by becoming an informant for the FBI all the while setting up traps and smokescreens for everyone around him, himself included.

Matt Damon, in an Golden Globes nominated performance, plays Mark Whitacre with such skill, he perfectly maintains the balance between reality and fantasy, coming across as fully believable and, almost always, sane.

The screenplay is fairly lightweight but entertaining, Marvin Hamlisch’s soundtrack is engaging and the cinematography, this being a Soderbergh’s movie, heavily tinted and quite colorful (just look at that poster...).

An enjoyable comedy, an interesting script, and a great performance make this a good film.

Grade: 8

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