Sunday, January 15, 2012


BridesmaidsI finally got around to watching this movie that had gotten some of the best reviews of the past year.  I’m happy to say that they were totally warranted.

Synopsis: when her best friend Lillian decides to get married and asks her to be her Maid of Honor, Annie must put the sadness and disappointment for her own failed relationship and private business aside and play the part of the cheerful best friend.  It won’t be easy, especially because of the competition that she feels coming from the wife of Lillian’s fiancĂ©’s boss, who clearly wishes she were the Maid of Honor.

The movie is one brilliant and funny gag after another, and so well written and performed it’s a breath of fresh air.  Kristen Wiig, catapulted onto the A List by this role, plays Annie warmly and modestly, without ever turning her into a caricature.  Maya Rudolph does the same with Lillian and while the other bridesmaids do represent typical caricatures (the frustrated wife and mother, the bright-eyed newlywed, the self-assured ugly duckling, and the rich, young trophy wife) the actresses do such a good job, they come through as perfectly reasonable and believable.

A special mention goes to Melissa McCarthy, who plays the confident but unattractive Megan with such aplomb, she steals every scene she’s in and makes you wish she were in all of them!!

Wiig also wrote the screenplay, which is the vibrant heart of the movie.  Even though some jokes might have been heard before (especially in your typical buddy comedy), they are written with such a light and effective touch, they always feel original and convincing.  For instance, Wiig’s budding love story with the police officer is charming and endearing, but just as justified and understandable are her sexcapades with the incredibly sexy Jon Hamm, all in the hope of finding a new love interest.

The Bottom Line: Bridesmaids has become the top comedy of 2011 and with good reason.  You will laugh out loud at this story of friendship and love that takes twisty turns but stays true to its core.  Don’t miss it.

Grade: 8

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