Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Divergent Series: Allegiant

THE GIST: Unhappy with how things are run in Chicago after Jeanine's fall from power, Tris & Co. decide to take their chances outside the city. What they find out there, however, is even more disturbing than anything they've witness to date.

Allegiant is the third and final chapter in the Divergent series. It manages to answer some of the most pressing questions while also spinning its own new web of intrigues. In the endgame, it even leaves the door open for further installments, just in case the financial outlook looks promising enough for the studio I guess.

Just like in the previous installments, the production values are altogether good, as is the acting, but even that isn't enough to make the movie really soar.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you've watched the previous two chapters, then you should probably watch this one too, just so you can get some closure and some answers. Just don't expect too much. It's silly and light entertainment, but it manages to be exiting enough to make it worth your time.

Grade: 6

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