Tuesday, December 06, 2005

See you soon, Vittorio

Vittorio went back home almost a week ago, but the emptiness he left at home and in my life is still palpable.

We always have the best of times together, laughing like crazy teenagers and teasing each other endlessly (I'm not surprised it's hard for Ray to be around us when we're being ourselves.) The last time we spent so much time together was in 2003, and I honestly don't know when the next chance will be. Because of the kids, my trips to Italy have slowed down dramatically, and whenever I go there I always have to divide my time up among all my friends from when I lived there.

Anyway, we spent quite a bit of time together, either with my whole family or just the two of us. Our road trip to Maine was a blast, in spite of both of us being sick, which made us resemble more Maggie Smith and Judi Dench then Thelma & Louise. We saw so many beautiful spots and so many typically American things, that you casually always see in movies.

When he left last Wednesday, I was very sad. I cried. A lot. I'm hoping some time soon, we'll see each other again. In the meantime, I guess I just have to be thankful for these technological marvels called email and instant messaging, which allow us to stay in contact much more than with the more expensive telephone call.

I miss you, Vitto. Always. I wish the world were a much smaller place, or that we lived much closer. Neither is true. But our friendship is. And lives on.

Much love, Massimo.

1 comment:

Vittorio Guasti said...

Massimo, it has truly been a wonderful vacation and I have to tell you that I have never experienced such a strong and intimate complicity between us. I thank God every day for our friendship and you have to believe me when I say that I feel at home when I'm surrounded by you and your family. I love you so much and I swear that we'll definitely find much more time in the future to repeat and to improve our fantastic trip.

Much much love, Vitto