Monday, June 05, 2006

Back in Ohio - Day One

I got here last night for my second class at Hyland Software, the Installer Certification one. I'm here for another week and won't be back home until Friday night.

Needless to say, I can't wait. Yes, it's nice to change one's surroundings every once in a while, but I like my routine, and being here among total strangers for a week of full-immersion studying isn't really my idea of a sought-after change.

At this place they also have daycare, and every kid I saw today reminded me of my two beautiful kids, Nicole and Daniel. I miss them so much.

When I got back to the hotel I also saw someone walking her dogs, and I longed for Diablo and Mina's sweet eyes and wagging tails.

But most of all, I miss Ray, my sweet love, whose touch and love I can't be without.

It will be a long week, also because this class is much harder than the previous one (the introductory one) and the test on Friday will be particularly challenging. Especially for someone like me who takes his dear time to read each and every word, and wants to make sure he understands what needs to be done, excellent qualities when taking exams, but time consuming too.

Goodnight family. I'll see you all soon.

1 comment:

Ray said...

We miss you too, Hon.

Today at dinner, Danny said "I'm saving a lollipop for PapĂ "

We love you, miss you, and are anxious to have you back