Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Finally, I'm back.

After a grueling 5 days out west in Ohio, I came back last Friday feeling totally beat. I was sure I hadn't passed the final exam for the class (and I was right) and I was sicker than I had been in years.

On Saturday and Sunday I tried to rest as much as possible, but it wasn't until this morning that I finally started feeling better. This was one ugly virus, that's for sure.

Anyway, so I failed the test, which doesn't surprise me, given it was so hard nobody finished early and it was set up in such a way that it looked like they wanted you to fail.

My boss wasn't upset with me, fortunately, but with the other company. Apparently a woman who does freelancing jobs for us and has worked with OnBase for 4 or 5 years didn't pass the test either, and the horrible stories I reported didn't help my boss feeling any better.

Hopefully, I won't have to go back to take this class or any other, since it looks like we'll be moving away from that software and towards Microsoft's brand new SharePoint. I really am not looking forward to going through a week like last any time soon.

Ray welcomed me back on Friday but I only saw the kids on Saturday morning, when they both had big smiles from ear to ear, apparently very happy to see me back.

Nicole had a hard time in school last week, which was probably related to my absence. She's been through abandonment and change so many times before, she probably feared it happening again. Things seem to be going back to normal now.


1 comment:

Ray said...

We really did miss you. I wish you could have heard how many times the kids asked about you. They love you so much. I told you Danny saved some lollipops for you after just about every meal. And I was told every day during dinner to save some for "AppĂ "

It's good that the family is back together now