Friday, September 01, 2006

Startling Fact

From a newsletter:
In America, the richest and most powerful country in the world, the Census report has revealed that the number of people without health insurance rose last year to a record 46.6 million, and that while the proportion of Americans living in poverty held steady at 12.6%, half of that group were really, really poor, earning less than half of the poverty line cut-off of $20,000, "the highest percentage ever recorded", according to the New York Times.
See, this is yet another reason why we shouldn't be in Iraq anymore, besides that it had nothing to do with 9/11 and so we shouldn't have invaded it to begin with, but still being there now? It's crazy.

Imagine how many resources we're wasting over there that we could use over here to help ourselves. Imagine how much insurance coverage we could have bought for those 46+ million people with the $400 billion we already threw in Iraq.

Nice work George.

PS: how do people live with less than $10,000 a year in this country?

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