Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Where is the big picture??

Labor day came and went and took with it the summer movie season. The studios, as usual, made a gazillion trillion dollars and the weekly reporting was always pretty upbeat, starting with something like, "receipts were up --% compared to the same frame from last year."

The problem with that kind of comparison, however, is that last year was the worst year Hollywood had seen in a couple decades (down several percentage points from the year before), which means that, by comparison, an average year is definitely an improvement.

Why don't they compare the ticket receipts to the year before last, when business was average (or rather good, I'd say) so as to give us a fairer picture of this year's crop of movies' performance?

Could it be that the studios want to show their Wall Street investors that this was an extraordinarily good year for them, while in reality they performed just as usual?


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