Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Saddam is dead

Now what? Will his death change anything? It's unlikely it will make things better, since it's not like the Iraqis were just waiting for his execution to start loving each other, so if it will have any effect at all, it will be a negative one.

The question I have, however, is, Was it worth it? Was it worth all the US military personnel who are now dead, wounded, and scarred forever? Was it worth the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians dead or risking death any second of every day?

It does seem to me that Iraqis were better off with Saddam than they are now, especially women, who had certainly more freedoms before than they have now. I'm sure the Iraqis lived in fear before, but now it seems much worse.

And we were certainly better off before. Before having spent over 350 billion dollars, having lost some many men and women in the battlefields of Iraq, having lost our credibility worldwide, having alienated any willing ally we ever had, having helped spread terrorism instead of eliminating it.

And on and on.

What a waste of lives, money, time and goodwill.

Nice work George. Nice legacy.

Worst President Ever!

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