Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Good for you!

Today Paris Hilton was released from jail (too soon if you ask me, and I'm sure we'll soon witness her latest shenanigan on some stupid tabloid cover). She's scheduled to do an interview with Larry King, but apparently he got her only after she was turned down by someone... more desirable. Barbara Walters:
"Look, I've done prison interviews before, but people like the Menendez Brothers were really important news stories," said the creator and cohost of The View. "This wasn't. And even though I'd already written my questions, when all that pay-for-play stuff happened, I suddenly felt this was not up to my standard. It... felt... sort of... tawdry."

"The whole thing somehow was beneath me," she added.

Walters revealed that it was ABC, not she, who initially wanted the interview. "For them it was ratings. For me it was respect," she says. "I'm fortunately at a point in my life where I can choose what I want, and this was solely my decision."
"They respected my decision and walked away,” she said. "Some agreed with my decision, some didn't. For me it was just a question of respect."
Hats off to you, Barbara, you made the right choice for so many reasons...

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