Thursday, January 11, 2007

A sane reaction to Bush's lunacy

Escalating Our Military Involvement in Iraq Sends Precisely the Wrong Message

Washington, D.C. - Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Richard Durbin released the following statement tonight on President Bush's address to the nation on the war in Iraq:

"Last November, the American people delivered a strong message of no confidence in the President's Iraq policy and clearly expressed their desire for a new direction. The President had an opportunity tonight to demonstrate that he understood the depth of the concern in the country, make a long overdue course correction, and articulate a clear mission for our engagement in Iraq. Instead, he chose to escalate our involvement in Iraq's civil war by proposing a substantial increase in the number of our forces there. This proposal endangers our national security by placing additional burdens on our already over-extended military thereby making it even more difficult to respond to other crises."
That is the most crucial point to make in order to successfully build a case against Bush's escalation plan. The military is already stretched to its breaking point. It has, for some time now, forced people into staying in Iraq against their will. It has to make use of the Army Reserves and the National Guard for purposes that go beyond their training, because it doesn't have enough regular troops for rotations anymore. And it has lowered the bar for recruiting new people so much it now allows dangerous people to join, just so that it can keep up with the demands of the Iraq war.

How are we going to find another 20,000+ soldiers to send to Iraq? How are we going to face the next crisis that strike us, either here at home or abroad?

Sending more troops to Iraq is dangerous for our national security and is wrong for the Iraq war. Let's hope the Democrats in Congress can derail this plan without losing too much political capital.

Read the entire response here.

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