Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The New 7 Wonders of the World

Would you like to have a saying in what should end up on the new list of the seven wonders of the world, a list that will probably be around for decades or centuries to come? Then head to the website where you can cast your vote.

This is the list of the finalists after hundreds of entries were narrowed down to just 21:
And this is a quick look at them (go to the website and click on each finalist to see bigger pictures and read some information about them before you cast your vote).

Despite the fact that there is a candidate from Italy, Rome's Colosseum, and I'd love to vote for it, since I believe it should win, I decided to vote for Cambodia's Angkor, just for the sheer beauty and complexity of it.

It is extraordinary.

Candidates I hope will not win are just four, New York's Statue of Libery, Paris' Eiffel Tower, Rio de Janeiro's Christ Redeemer, and Sydney's Opera House. I believe they're all beautiful but they don't hold a candle to any of the other entries.

Anyway, make your choice, vote, and then come back and post your vote in the comments!!

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