Friday, September 26, 2008

Blood Diamond

This Leonardo DiCaprio vehicle doesn't disappoint in terms of action or acting.

[SPOILER PARAGRAPH] The plot follows DiCaprio in his attempt to recover a very big and rare pink diamond, hidden somewhere in Sierra Leone by the man who found it, Djimon Hounsou, who is leveraging the diamond's location to reunite and rescue his family from the nation's civil war unrest.

The cast is pretty good all around, although the mandatory love story between DiCaprio and Jennifer Connelly isn't very convincing and I believe detracts from the final product.

A nice score with a wonderful cinematography complement a well directed movie whose message makes you wonder if there's anything people wouldn't do for riches.

I sure hope the diamonds in my wedding band were mined without any risk to anyone's life. And if I had to buy more, I'd definitely ask if their origin were legit and how it can be proved.

Grade: 7.5

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