Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Book of Eli

the book of eli I wanted to see this movie because I’m into end-of-the-world scenarios, but I knew not to expect too much from the lukewarm reception The Book of Eli received among critics.

Denzel Washington plays Eli, a solitary man travelling west through a post-apocalyptic landscape.  He meets bad guys along the way, but seems to know all the right moves (lots of cool fighting) to beat them back.  As the title suggests, he carries with him a book.

We don’t really know what the book is until about a third of the way in, when the bad guy in chief, played with panache by Gary Oldman, intends to snatch it away from Eli.  Lots of fighting ensues, and I won’t say more not to spoil anything.  Suffice it to say that Oldman wants the book of Eli to use it in the same way it’s been used for millennia.

Both Washington and Oldman do a good job, but the material they can work with is a bit limited.  Technically, the movie is well made though, so if you don’t have too high expectations, you might enjoy it.

No glory and no shame.  Barely registers.

Grade: 5

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