Tuesday, May 25, 2010


lost After six years, another great show has come to an end.

Lost began with a splash (its pilot was – is? – the most expensive ever produced) but its success wasn’t guaranteed: a bunch of survivors of a plane crash find themselves marooned on a tropical island in the Pacific with little hope of being rescued (the plane was way off course when it crashed and no one would know where to look for them).

On top of that, the island seems full of weird stuff: polar bears; a smoke monster; very secretive (and heavily armed) indigenous inhabitants; a French woman who doesn’t trust anyone; a centuries old boat in the middle of the island; the four-toed foot of what had to be a massive statue; high tech stations from the Dharma Initiative (that no one ever heard of); strong electromagnetic forces; miraculous healing properties; and a button that needs to be pushed every 108 minutes or else.

The show offered adventure, action, drama, mystery and great characters whose actions would intertwine with often unexpected results.  For me, it was the perfect combination and made for a great ride.

It all ended this past Sunday with the long awaited series finale that answered many – but not all – questions.  I liked the episode.  It had the right mix of action and personal resolutions that were the staple of the show and were required to give closure to the faithful audience.

Given its peculiarity, Lost wasn’t a show that everyone could appreciate, but Ray and I loved it and were both very touched by how it all ended.

To a great six year ride.  Thanks, Lost.

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