Friday, August 06, 2010

Gulf Spill data

The latest figures from government experts have been released, and they look terrifying:

The extent of the spill was confirmed on Monday as US government experts announced the rate the oil had been pouring out was 62,000 barrels a day -- more than 12 times faster than BP originally admitted.

This was higher than any previous official estimate and meant 4.9 million barrels of crude -- more than 205 million gallons -- had spewed into the Gulf in the 87 days it took to cap it, making it the biggest accident spill ever.

If BP is found guilty of negligence, the flow rate means it could face up to 17.6 billion dollars in fines. The firm has also set up a 20 billion dollar fund to pay claims from individuals and businesses hit by the disaster.

I bet BP is going to buy up anyone they have to to make sure they aren’t found negligent and if they are, they’ll declare bankruptcy in the US to avoid paying any fines and reduce to peanuts the amount it will actually have to pay out to the people affected, while they go on making billions selling oil in other countries.

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