Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Town

the_townBen Affleck’s second effort behind the camera brings us a superb crime caper that showcases his skills as a director as well as an actor.

The story follows a group of bank robbers on whose tracks the FBI is starting to close in.  And while some of the robbers are willing to roll the dice no matter the risks, not all of them are.

Affleck co-wrote a high-octane screenplay that manages to keep the action rolling and the suspense brewing while still effectively developing a rather unlikely love story.

Affleck’s also at the top of his game in terms of acting, turning in his best work to date, although it’s Jeremy Renner who towers above all with a raw portrayal that cements his A-list status.  However, the whole cast shines, proving how good Affleck is as a director.

Hats off to the always handsome Ben Affleck for pulling off the magic trifecta of actor-writer-director on the same movie.  I’m looking forward to his next one.

If you like crime capers, this is a good one for sure.

Grade: 8

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