Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Cold Heart, by Jonathan Kellerman

A Cold HeartMy first Kellerman novel and the first of the Alex Delaware series was a very good find.

Kellerman is a deft writer who creates multidimensional characters who live in such interesting worlds that you can’t help but crave for more.

A Cold Heart sees Delaware helping the police investigating a series of murders in the art world that might be linked together even though at first they all look like separate incidents.

A Cold Heart, so nicely written and with a cohesive narrative was a refreshing change from the last book I read, Meltzer’s The Zero Game.

Definitely recommended.

Grade: 8

1 comment:

Vittorio Guasti said...

Great post, really interesting.
Just one thing: as I told you via Skype I didn't think the final montage was so bad... It could maybe suggest the name of winner, but the final speech of the king is so powerful they probably HAD to use it somehow.
Anyway, the worst ceremony ever.