Thursday, February 28, 2019

Happy Death Day 2U

THE GIST: Just when she thought she had it all figured out, a college student is thrown into a new time loop. This time, figuring out how to stop it is only half the challenge.

Well, wasn't this a nice surprise! The rare sequel that actually improves upon the original, Happy Death Day 2U starts out with the familiar premise only to turn the tables on us, and keeps twisting itself just when you think you know what's going to happen next.

Jessica Rothe, Israel Broussard, and Phi Vu are back as the familiar trio of students, which is good because their chemistry is already established, so they hit the ground running.

THE BOTTOM LINE: It would certainly be better to have seen Happy Death Day before watching the sequel, since it's referenced here and there, but Happy Death Day 2U is certainly enjoyable on its own.

Grade: 7

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