Friday, July 16, 2021

The Forever Purge

: A resurgence of unrest has brought the NFFA back to power, and they waste no time in reinstituting the yearly Purge. The morning after, however, a good number of participants decide that this time they will continue purging until all those they consider not "real Americans" are extirpated from their country.

After four movies in the Purge franchise it looked like the end of the road, but I guess there was enough financial incentive for a new chapter, which brings us to The Forever Purge.

Given that the previous movies already explored the dynamics of the purge, how it came into being, what the rationale behind it was, and what it resulted into, there was almost nowhere else to go for a new chapter but forward into further chaos.

Certainly if one can imagine an America that accepts a night of free killing, one can fathom an America in which the thirst for blood and exorcism can no longer be contained.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Overall, the movie works as much as its predecessors, even though a limited amount of character development results in one caring less then one should for what happens to these people. Certainly worth watching for fans of the franchise.

Grade: 5

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