Wednesday, September 01, 2021

The Suicide Squad

: The ragtag mix of dangerous convicts coerced by ruthless government agent Amanda Waller into acting like superheroes is back. They are sent to prevent some super-secret technology from falling into the wrong hands after a coup d'état in some remote country, but things go haywire and the team is forced to improvise in order to save the world from catastrophe.

Long delayed by the pandemic, The Suicide Squad sequel finally premiered and delivered another generous helping of ferociously funny shenanigans.

I've really come to appreciate the movies about the Suicide Squad's members as guilty pleasures, a very effective counterpunch to Marvel's squeaky-clean superheroes.

The casting choices are excellent and everyone delivers, with Margot Robbie and Idris Elba, along with Viola Davis, towering over everybody.

THE BOTTOM LINE: If you enjoyed the original like I did, then you'll be very pleased with the sequel. Watching them in sequence is advisable but not really necessary.

Grade: 8

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