Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Reason #682 why the Catholic Churc is Evil

Ray pointed me to this 365Gay.com article about a Catholic cemetery in Rhode Island that is refusing to write the words “husband”, “spouse” or “beloved” on the crypt of the recently deceased member of the couple, legally married in Massachusetts.

It’s sickening. The Catholic Church is sickening. They preach love but are full of hate and not even in death can they respect the love of a person for another.

I don’t agree, but I could understand their opposition to the word “husband” or even “spouse”, but “beloved”?! BELOVED!!

How many times is that same word written on tombstones all across the country? Hundreds of thousands. It just indicates to the occasional passerby that that person was loved by someone when alive. Is it so bad and wrong? Does it make a difference if the person was loved by a man or a woman? Furthermore, who would even know? It’s not like the surviving husband was going to sign it.

The Catholic Church is a horrific institution. I know they also do a lot of good for the poor and the needy, but so many of their resources are wasted, WASTED on hurting and belittling so many other people, that in the end it really stains all the good work they do.

This is what the surviving husband had to say, with how much pain, I can only imagine:
"I just want this to be recognized," Paolino told WJAR in Providence. "In two or three hundred years when that name is there, I want someone to know that this person loved this person."

"I said to them, I'm not asking them to recognize gay marriage," Paolino told WJAR. "I'm only asking you to recognize the fact that I loved this person."

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