Monday, March 05, 2007

Lunar eclipse

I wonder how last Saturday's lunar eclipse looked like from Italy.

We were fortunate enough to have a clear sky and we got to see the Moon in all its eerie beauty. It actually didn't look anything like the image on the right, which is stunningly beautiful.

The Moon we saw was a pale gray, clearly visible in the sky but only if you looked for it, since it looked like it was hiding.

Nonetheless, it was truly a spectacular view. It looked like a ball throw up in the sky, just gravitating there.

Our only satellite is beautiful when reflecting the Sun's light in the dark night, but seeing it in that color, it looked like a very shy, reserved Moon, so different from the usual bright beauty.

It actually looked like someone had put a black veil on it. Pure magic.

1 comment:

Vittorio Guasti said...

Massimo, I had the chance to see it from my terrace in Nizza Monferrato and it was truly amazing: the Moon was dark red and stunningly beautiful...