Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fingers crossed...

Two things make me hope that the dreaded Proposition 8 in California, the one that would undo the California Supreme Court's pro-same-sex marriage ruling, will be defeated this November:
  1. According to this article, the No (our side) has a slim majority right now, and usually initiatives that start out behind in the polls are defeated.
  2. The California Attorney General has now changed the language of the ballot initiative with a title and summary that more closely reflect the new reality of the law, which gives same-sex couples the right to legally marry.
So, while the bigots wanted the people to vote on whether or not to amend the state Constitution "to provide that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California," which would have had a fairly good chance of passing, voters will now be faced with the much starker question:
"to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry"
which stands a tougher chance of passing because it clearly states that rights now enjoyed by the people would be taken away.

Obviously the initiative proponents are up in arms over the change, which, everyone seems to agree, favors a negative outcome, and have decided to sue to stop the change.

I personally don't see how they can possibly defend their position, given that the reality in the law has changed and the new wording more clearly reflects that. Also, the AG works for the Governor, who clearly stated he's against amending the Constitution with such a hate filled amendment.

We'll see what happens next in this saga. I hope the change stays.

And I hope the No wins.

Fingers crossed...

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