Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Meet the Robinsons

This movie was purchased in Italy for the purpose of exposing the kids to as much spoken Italian as possible, and I was pleased to see that I didn’t waste my money.

[SPOILER PARAGRAPH] The movie tells the story of a little boy in an orphanage who’s more interested in his inventions than in getting adopted. One day, he meets another boy who takes him into the future where he discovers that into the past he is being stalked for the potential of his latest invention. The stalker, aided by a hat with an attitude, has as his main goal the destruction of the little boy’s future once and for all. Will he succeed in his attempts?

Although I was a little wary of watching this movie, because I hadn’t heard anything about it, I have to admit that it’s pretty good. The direction is fine, the animation top notch, and the actors voicing the characters all do a good job.

Most importantly, however, the story is fairly original and well told, and it sends a very good message about adoption and the fact that there is nothing you cannot do or become, even if your parents had to give you up for adoption. You just have to believe in yourself.

A nice movie, especially for a family with two adopted kids.

Grade: 7

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