Friday, August 22, 2008

Charlotte’s Web

This is the animated version from 1973 and I’d recommend it for every child out there for its message of friendship, love, and commitment.

[SPOILER PARAGRAPH] Wilbur, a very sweet pig, is terrified by the revelation that his lot in life is to get fat and be slaughtered for bacon. The factory animals, however, all try to help him escape that fate, most of all, his best friend Charlotte, a very hard working and inventive spider. Will he be able to convince the farmer who owns him to spare him? And how?

The thing I liked the most was how effectively and gently the movie dealt with the topic of death, which is not easy when your audience is mostly composed by little children.

Given the age of the movie, the animation is obviously 2D, but it again confirmed my belief that when you have a good story and a solid script, you don’t need an army of supercomputers to hide behind.

A nice, gentle, sweet story that every family can enjoy and a valuable life lesson as well.

Grade: 8

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