Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Heavenly Creatures

heavenly creatures I was looking forward to watching Heavenly Creatures because it’s the movie that put the very talented Peter Jackson on the map and also introduced us to the great Kate Winslet.  Unfortunately, I cannot say I was too impressed with it.

The movie gets extra credit for being based on a true story, which makes what happened that much more terrible, but overall I found it pretty weak.

The screenplay isn’t badly written and the acting is impressive, not only from Winslet, but from Melanie Lynskey, her partner in crime, and Sarah Peirse, who plays Lynskey’s mother.

The visual effects and makeup are quite good for what was, I’m sure, a fairly low budget, but whenever there was a “fantasy” sequence, I always felt somewhat jolted out of the film.

Like I said, the elements are pretty much all there, but something’s missing and I can’t quite put my finger on what exactly, but I wasn’t impressed.

Grade: 6

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