Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Saturno Contro

Saturn in Opposition I’ve appreciated Ferzan Ozpetek’s work since his first effort, Hamam (Steam: The Turkish Bath).  The follow up, Le Fate Ignoranti (The Ignorant Fairies), was a lot better and his La Finestra di Fronte (Facing Windows) was absolutely great. It was therefore only natural that I would have to check out his Saturno Contro (Saturn in Opposition).

Once again, Ozpetek creates a charming, warm, inviting portrayal of a group of friends and their many interactions, both before and after a dramatic event changes the world as they know it.

The script is good and deals with a topic very dear to any gay person, [SPOILER ALERT] what happens when your lover dies and you have very little saying in the eyes of the government? [/SPOILER ALERT] But it’s developed intelligently and tactfully.

The cast features many of the usual players in an Ozpetek movie, which ends up being refreshing since it’s like seeing old friends getting together again.

The score, always a very important element in an Ozpetek creation, once again feels like one of the characters.

A very good movie that made me long for the warm circle of friends I left behind when I moved to this country to follow my heart.

Grade: 8

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