Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Goodbye tigers?

The WWF is warning that unless serious conservation steps are taken tigers might become extinct within 12 years:

tiger Tigers could be extinct within 12 years: WWFTigers could become extinct within 12 years but a top level meeting in Russia next month could help reverse the decline, nature conservation body WWF said on Thursday.


WWF said that in the last century, illegal hunting, a shrinking habitat and the trade of tiger parts used in oriental medicine had sent the number of the big cats worldwide plunging 97 percent to around just 3,200 tigers today.

"Despite the gloomy figures, the situation is more hopeful than ever," Jennersten said, praising a political initiative of 13 'tiger states' and different bodies set to meet in Russia on November 21-24 in a bid to halt possible extinction of the species.

"This will be achieved through increased political involvement, focus on the tiger landscapes that have the greatest chance of long term retention of the tiger, and increased control of tiger trade," he said.

We recently took the kids to the Boston Zoo, where we saw two spectacular specimens of tigers, including a white one.  I cannot imagine a world without such stunning creatures.

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