Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It Gets Better

Sadly, so many gay teens committed suicide recently because of relentless bullying in school that Dan Savage, an openly gay sex-advice columnist decided to start It Gets Better, a web site where people who understand how hard it is to live through adolescence but who made it through and saw it get better can leave messages for teenagers.

This is perhaps the most poignant video I’ve seen so far, by Councilmember Joel Burns:

I understand very well how hard those years are.  I too was bullied and called names all the time.  I never wanted to leave the safety of my own bedroom just to avoid all that pain.  And I was terrified that my parents would find out and of what would follow.

But I can also attest that it does get better.  Those years eventually pass and you move on to other schools or jobs, other cities and people.  You’ll meet other gay people who will start to become your circle of friends.  And one day, when you least expect it, you’ll meet that one special person who will turn your world upside down.

I know it’s hard, especially when you’re so young and the thought of waiting until it' gets better is daunting, but you have to believe that if you give up and kill yourself, you will never experience all the beautiful things that life has to offer.  And there are so many.

Hang in there.  It does get better.

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