Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Web Therapy

Web-Therapy_thumbHeadlined by my favorite comedic actress, the great Lisa Kudrow, I had first discovered Web Therapy online, where it resided for a few years in short clips form.  Given its success (and quality), Showtime picked it up and expanded the format to fill around 20-25 minutes per episode.

The hysterical tone remains the same and every other actor who joins Lisa on screen does a great job, but no one outshines her, not even the great Lily Tomlin.

Kudrow has great timing and awesome delivery and her facial expressions can sometimes bring down the house without the need to say anything.  And yet, say she does, and a lot!!

There seems to be a lot of improvisation - actually, I don’t think there’s a script at all, maybe just a one-sheet general idea of the episode’s theme – which adds to the show’s mystique and plentiful laughters.  And the closing credits’ bloopers are really the cherry on top!

This is a great show and I’m elated that Showtime picked it up!

Grade - Season 1: 8

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