Thursday, October 13, 2011


EntourageEntourage’s past season was actually its last.  Since it was fairly uneven through the years, I can’t say I’ll miss it or that I was a big fan.  It started right after the end of my beloved Sex and the City, and it was billed as a the male version of that show, but that was just to lure more viewers, because they couldn’t have been more different.

While I was never “crazy” for it, it had its points of interest and featured an all male cast that was easy on the eyes.  The best character was definitely Ari Gold, played by Jeremy Piven, who chewed the scenery and stole anyone’s thunder whenever showed up on screen.

I had actually almost decided to give up the show at the end of season 6 because it was starting to become trite, but then season 7 was actually very good, particularly because Vinnie’s good fortunes started to decline, so I definitely wanted to see the last (and shortest) season.

Unfortunately, it ended very predictably, with every character getting what they always chased after, which lowered my overall opinion of the show.  Sending off a show on a good note doesn’t mean everyone in it should get the girl of their dream, find the job of their dream, and become a millionaire.  They even have Vinnie decide to marry a girl he met a week prior even though he never once showed any interest in marriage.

Not one of HBO’s best, but watchable.

Grade: Season 8: 6; Show Overall: 7

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