Wednesday, December 21, 2011


dexterDexter is a show that I started watching quite late, but rapidly became one of my favorites.  Yes, he’s a serial killer, and we’re not supposed to like serial killers, but that’s the reason why this show is so great.  Or at least, was so great.

Season 1 (the Ice Truck Killer) and season 2 (the Harbor Bay Butcher) were great.  Season 3 (Dexter strikes an unlikely friendship) was only good, but season 4 (the Trinity killer) was the zenith.  A season so good would have been hard to match, let alone best, so season 5 (Lumen now befriends Dexter) wasn’t as much of a letdown as a coming back to less rarified heights.

Season 6, however, made me wonder if Dexter’s best days are now firmly behind us.  Even worse, I’m now afraid that with Debra’s unorthodox interest in her brother, the show might have actually jumped the shark.

That would be really disappointing, because Dexter is one of those guilty pleasures that I long for and don’t want to give up.

Anyway, this last season wasn’t bad (just less good) and the featured killers, while at first seemed so shocking as to be unrealistic, turned out to be twisty and captivating.  However, I think promoting Debra put her into a corner and what I mentioned earlier about her newfound feelings felt weird and kind of messed up.

Here’s to hoping that season 7 brings Dexter back from the brink and to its former glory.

Grade – Season 6: 7

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