Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Storm Front, by Jim Butcher

After reading Turn Coat, the ninth volume in The Dresden Files series (without actually knowing it was even a series) and loving it, I decided to go back at the beginning and read the first volume.

I'm glad I did, because I find the adventures of Harry Dresden particularly entertaining, but I did notice a dip in the overall quality of the writing.

I've actually read that Butcher was challenged by his writing teacher in college to write a story and he came up with Storm Front. The teacher was so impressed, he suggested Butcher try and get it published, which he did, and the rest is history.

Like I said, the quality of the writing is a bit lower than what I found in the ninth volume, so I'm assuming he just got better as a writer in time.

Anyway, I've already started reading the next book in the series, Fool Moon, so hopefully I'll enjoy it as well.

The story centers around Dresden, who is a wizard, and the dangers he faces when someone turns up dead in a pretty unthinkable fashion, which clearly points to the use of some sort of magic.

Good enough.

Grade: 6

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