Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Season 2's finale was, dare I say, excellent. It answered lots of questions (mainly: how and why the plane crashed on the island; what was the accident the Darma videotapes hinted at related to; was the pushing of the button an idle task or an important one), and also posed a few more in preparation for season 3 (mainly, what will happen to Jack, Kate, and Sawyer; will Michael and Walt really be able to escape; what was the fate of Desmond, John, and Mr. Eko; what's with Desmond's former belle?)

Lost is a really good show that can be hard to follow if you miss an episode or two, but thus far has done a great job of keeping the audience's interest and curiosity at the highest levels. It's not easy to toil the line between serious and silly, credible and overblown, acceptable and just plain preposterous. Lost's sophomore's season only implemented on the strengths of its predecessor, showing its writers, creators, and producers really seem to know what they're doing.

Let's hope for another great season starting in the fall (and many more to follow).

Plus, who can complain with all those hot dudes on a beach anyway??!



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