Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What a sore loser

Silvio throws another temper tantrum:
Opposition leader Silvio Berlusconi threatened Monday to withdraw his coalition from Parliament if it turns out that his side won general elections in April and the president refuses to call a new vote, according to news reports.
He vowed Monday during the taping of the late-night TV talk show "Porta a Porta" that if a check of the vote shows that he won rather than Prodi, and Napolitano did not call for new elections, he would order "the immediate withdrawal of all the deputies and senators of the House of Liberties coalition," according to the show's transcripts cited by the Apcom and ANSA agencies.
This guy is just pathetic. I'm just glad he's not the leader of my party, 'cause I'd hate having to support and vote for him.

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