Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Desperate Housewives

Season 2 was a little clobbered by critics, but I didn't think it was that much worse than the series' freshman year. Yes, our ladies were shown together (their best moments) way less than the year before, but that doesn't mean that the show didn't deliver.

What I noticed was more campiness in the plotlines, but nothing to seriously frown about. The most disappointing thing was the complete under-utilization of Alfre Woodard, a spectacularly talented actress that was given little or nothing to do, unless you consider looking worried and delivering food to one of her sons locked up in the basement particularly enthralling storytelling.

For that reason, maybe it's just as well that she departed Wisteria Lane. At least, Ms. Woodard will be able to sign up for other shows or movies, furthering her career and delighting us with more interesting performances.

While the season wasn't too lively or terribly exciting (at least not constantly), the finale delivered one punch after the other, leaving you wanting more and longing for the return of the series in the fall.

Which makes me ponder, What's more frustrating? A show that is so-so for most of a season but goes out with a bang of a cliffhanger, literally shaking the ground (i.e. Desperate Housewives), or a show that is nail-biting for most of the season, but goes out with a wimpy finale that leaves you bitter and miffed (24 -- here and here)?

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