Friday, August 25, 2006

It's Over!!! Finally.

I'm talking about the school, obviously. After 8 long years, I'm finally free of books, notes, tests, and the like. It's a huge relief and I'm glad it's over. I finally don't need to worry, whenever I have a moment of free time, that instead of doing whatever I'm doing (be it working around the house or just relaxing doing whatever I please) I should instead be studying. Last night I presented my Final Project and it went well, so I'm officially done with the school. I've got my Master's Degree and I have no intention of going back for more. Period. I started going to school in 1998, so it's been a long time since I had no school nights on the horizon. I did take a one and a half year break in between degrees, but the knowledge was always there that, eventually, I'd have had to go back. Not this time. Now I'm really done. And it feels great. I'm so happy.

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