Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Son is a SOLDIER

That's the sticker I saw this morning on the back of the car in front of me. I was listening to my audio book, and suddenly, I read that and I had to pause it.

I thought of the woman in the car in front, probably going to work, like me, on a regular day, no biggie. Meanwhile, her son is probably on the other side of the world, fighting a war for oil based on lies, risking his life every minute of the day.

How does that knowledge impact her day? Where does she find the strength to keep going. How?

It just hit me how we don't really feel the fact that we are at war at all. Every day flows by like the other, and if we didn't watch or read the news, we wouldn't even know there are people dying at this very moment.

It was just so sad. I tried to imagine how she must feel when she gets up in the morning. How she must feel going to work all day, and then going back home. All the while knowing her son could be gone at any moment.

I can't imagine how she does it. And like her, the thousands of parents, husbands, wives, and children across the country.

How do you go by your daily life when your loved ones' lives are constantly on the line?

It was just so sad.

1 comment:

Big Shot Bob said...

Thank you for sharing. That was a Great Show of Your Feelings.

Thanks ....Keep up the great work in your Blog!!