Thursday, June 14, 2007

Victory in MA!!!

The Massachusetts legislature turned down a proposed constitutional ban on same-sex marriage by a vote of 151 to 45, eliminating any chances of getting it on the ballot in November 2008.

In order for the proponents of the ban to succeed in putting it on the ballot in 08, they needed the proposal to be approved by at least 50 lawmakers in 2 consecutive legislatures.

In the previous one, they won the first vote with 58 lawmakers voting for the proposal. Between then and now, however, it appears they've lost 13 votes, more than enough to ensure their defeat.

Just this morning, the top-hater from the Massachusetts Anti Family Institute, Kris Mineau, said:
"When we hear rumors of possible changes of votes we contact that lawmaker immediately. Every indication we have so far is that our votes are holding firm. These are people of principle who believe in the people's right to define marriage."
He might want to think about finding a new bean counter...

So long suckers, now you have to keep spewing your hateful rhetoric until 2012!! Let's see how many sensible citizens will agree with you then:
Opponents of gay marriage face an increasingly tough battle to win legislative approval of any future petitions to appear on a statewide ballot. The next election available to them is 2012.

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