Friday, June 01, 2007

Battlestar Galactica fizzles on finale

I forgot to post about this series' season finale, probably because it was totally inconsequential. The season wasn't bad up until the break this past winter. When the show returned for the final 7 episodes, it was a total letdown.

They would have done better by concluding the season without those 7 infamous episodes. The producers said that they had to rework those episodes and sort of make them on the spot, but there's just no justification for fracking up a show so good.

Suffice it to say that this was my #1 show coming into the 06-07 season and its finale has been so disappointing, I'm not even in a hurry for it to start again.

Now they're supposed to make a movie to be shown on Sci-Fi in the fall that revolves around the Pegasus and should tie things together nicely with season four.

We'll see.

I do want to give them the benefit of the doubt, because the show has been so good, I can't believe it's so dull now, but those last 7 episodes sure didn't help their cause.

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