Thursday, October 06, 2005

Is Justice Thomas human after all?

I was reading this CNN article about Harriet Miers and towards the end, where the article talks about the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the sodomy laws in Texas (and therefore across the country,) I stumbled upon this:
Even stalwart conservative Justice Clarence Thomas, while voting to uphold the Texas law, said he would vote to repeal it if he were sitting in Austin, the state capital, as a legislator.

"Punishing someone for expressing his sexual preference through non-commercial consensual conduct with another adult does not appear to be a worthy way to expend valuable law enforcement resources," Thomas said.
Wow, that's incredible. I'm sure that comment generated quite a few anguished wails among the evangelists on the right.


Ray said...

Could this be a sign that people are realizing that we're not so bad after all. I have a feeling the "backlash" after the Massachusetts Gay Marriage thing is over already.

I think Bush won reelection with some help from gay-bashing state constitutional amendments. But now that his popularity is in the toilet, I think support for those amendments is also waning. Like in Arizona, where the proposed constitutional amendment against gay marriage is probably going to fail. California's legislature voted for gay marriage, the Republican governer of CT signed the civil union law, both NJ governer candidates oppose a gay marriage ban, etc. The tide is turning, already....

Massimo said...

I hope you're right. I'm so sick of being on the losing side all the time.

I didn't know the Arizona one might fail. Let's hope so, that's right in Bush's backyard. Too bad all the others passed though, since now they're in those constitutions forever. At least until the Supreme Court strikes them down in a domino effect.

Let's hope things will get better for us all.