Friday, October 14, 2005

Bush's presidency a failure according to most people

Well, this is the best news I could have gotten today, and it's not even lunch time yet:
For the first time, more people say George W. Bush's presidency will be judged as unsuccessful than say it will be seen as a success, a poll finds.

Forty-one percent of respondents said Bush's presidency will be seen as unsuccessful in the long run, while 26 percent said the opposite.

Seven in 10 said they want the next president to offer policies and programs that are different from the Bush administration's. Only half said they wanted the next president to offer different policies in 2000, at the end of the Clinton presidency. By a 2-1 margin, people said the Bush administration has had a negative impact on politics and the way government works.

People were inclined to say Bush's policies have made things worse on a wide range of issues such as the federal budget deficit, the gap between rich and poor, health care, the economy, relations with U.S. allies, the tax system and education.
The only weird numbers are these:
By 47 percent to 30 percent, those surveyed said Bush has improved the situation with national security.

What?! After Katrina and Rita, how can there still be people out there feeling safer than when this idiot president took office?

Anyway, can we make today a National Holiday?


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