Tuesday, August 11, 2020

High Life

THE GIST: A man and his baby daughter are all that's left of a crew of prison convicts sent on an interstellar multi-year mission.

High Life is an interesting movie that touches upon some weighty concepts, like lengthy space missions with no return home; the wisdom of placing such crucial endeavors in the hands of people who were in prison for life; and what would life look like for people born in space on such a journey?

Overall, the director is successful in building suspense for the future of the survivors and also in giving us enough background information about the crew, via flashbacks, to allow us to piece together how they got to this point.

Still, some artistic choices and the deliberate pacing can result in frustration or puzzlement.

Robert Pattinson leads a good cast that features veteran Juliette Binoche in great form.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Moderate your expectations because this is more in line with 2001: A Space Odyssey than Star Trek, but I certainly found it enjoyable.

Grade: 6.5

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