Friday, August 14, 2020

The Bubble (Ha-Buah)

THE GIST: Noam is a vibrant gay Israeli who meets Ashraf, a closeted, radicalized Palestinian, during a tour of duty at a military checkpoint. The attraction between the two is undeniable, but can they have a future together?

The Bubble (Ha-Buah) sets out to showcase what life looks like in Tel Aviv for gays and straights, Jews and Arabs, men and women. It is largely successful and keeps your attention throughout.

Ohad Knoller and Yousef "Joe" Sweid are perfectly cast in the lead roles, and their story is very sweet.

THE BOTTOM LINE: An interesting exploration of what life must be like in Israel, one of the most heavily guarded countries in the world, constantly under threat of attacks.

Grade: 7.5

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