Monday, August 24, 2020

The Diary of a Teenage Girl

THE GIST: Fifteen-year-old Minnie is an aspiring cartoonist who wants to lose her virginity. Her bohemian mother is very open to all kinds of experiences, though she isn't too thrilled when she finds out that her boyfriend has started sleeping with Minnie.

The Diary of a Teenage Girl is an interesting comedy that shows us a time in the life of some very open-minded and free-thinking people in the heyday of the sexual liberation movement in the United States.

Bel Powley, Kristen Wiig, Alexander SkarsgĂ„rd, and Christopher  Meloni are all very well cast and do a great job in their roles, mostly against character.

THE BOTTOM LINE: Definitely interesting, even cool and intriguing, if not necessarily funny (it's more of a dry humor), but if you consider the most liberal period in American history as an obscene aberration, then perhaps you should skip it.

Grade: 7

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