Wednesday, September 28, 2005


That is the new Bush mantra, and it makes sense, not just in the wake of two devastating hurricanes, but as an energy policy in a country that
  • is the biggest consumer of natural resources in the world
  • is the number one polluter in the world, causing global warming
  • is overly dependent on the Middle East for oil consumption, thereby helping those same states it's trying to fight in the war on terrorism.
The problem is that right after telling us to stay home this weekend if we can, so as to save some gas, he takes his airplane and flies to Texas to check on Hurricane Rita's damage (I read recently it costs thousands of dollars to fly Air Force One.) Was it really necessary? No.

Was it necessary for him to go to the headquarters of the Northern Command before the storm hit, just to show he's following the storm closely? NO!

Even when he says something right, you can count on him to do just the opposite right after.

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